Magical & Hauntingly Picturesque
Nestled in the heart of the African wilderness, Shipwreck Lodge is located between the Hoarusib and Hoanib Rivers, in the Skeleton Coast National Park. A place shrouded in mystery and swirling clouds of mist, your accommodation perfectly mirrors the environment, and is created to resemble a shipwreck.
The design of the lodge was inspired by the many ships that have been wrecked on the Skeleton Coast. We emphasise a light footprint by eco-friendly water and waste management and by using solar-power.
Skeleton Coast National Park
Located in the famous Skeleton Coast concession between the Hoarusib and Hoanib rivers in the Skeleton Coast National Park, Shipwreck Lodge is only 45 km from Möwe Bay. The shipwreck-shaped cabins are nestled between the dunes with a view of the Atlantic Ocean where the cold Benguela current provides guests with a refreshing breeze.